River Refining + Mountain Range Design
I'm continuing to build out my riparian system for Embla. I've also been working a lot on a Conlang/naming language, which has got me really excited about putting more things on the map! I was worried my previous rivers weren't at a realistic scale or pattern for the type of mountain range I had in mind. I have been looking on OpenTopo map for a lot of mountain range inspiration! Something I have found extremely helpful is to practice tracing real mountain ranges & river systems on Inkscape. Using the regular pencil tool, trace a rough line along the highest ridges of a small portion of a range. I color this red for contrast, then start in blue to color the rivers/streams. After doing this a couple times, it's given me a much better feel for how the rivers actually look in the type of range I want to create in west-central Embla. Here's what I have ended up with: The greyed out background is the currently uploaded river system. Blue is new rivers, red are...
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