Revised Elevation Map

I spent some more time playing around with the river systems and decided to shift things from the last draft. I'm not sure about the lake geography. I'm going to try to look for examples of other lakes to better refine the size. I definitely want some kind of large-ish lake in the middle, but there will be other finger lakes in the northern mountains, I haven't reached that level of detail yet. Next steps are tracing this map into JOSM to get a rough outline of rivers and some administrative boundaries. The dotted lines are what I envision as states/districts/region type things. The Northern district is the biggest but also likely the less populated. The middle two will probably have about even population, the capital city is in the middle district at the mouth of the largest river. I'm excited to design that area eventually. The southern two districts are much smaller. I'm not sure if having them split into two is justified unless there was another major city centered around the bay-ish area. The Peninsula is probably the least populated district but I imagine it as a big national park with small coastal towns, maybe somewhere that many citizens vacation in the summer or something.


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